Anthelion Projects

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Wave Machine Schematics

Image generated by OpenAI based on text provided by Anthelion Projects. Anthelion Projects takes ultimate responsibility for the content of the image.

Predictability has become your nemesis. The relentless tread of logical development or plot contrivances has worn trails through the wilderness where your inspiration used to make its home. You’ve realized conventions are for cowards. You’re sick of doing what you know how to do.

If this sounds familiar, then the Wave Machine might be for you.

The Wave Machine is for those who find the Simple Machine too easily mastered, who want to surrender even more control to chance, who want to systematically introduce chaos into their work. 

“The Wave Machine Schematics” will guide you through the construction and execution of your own Wave Machine, a Machine built to distract the will and create room for serendipity and inspiration to steer your art in startling new directions.

The second of three planned Machine Schematics, “The Wave Machine Schematics” is available now at the Anthelion Projects website. Learn what you don’t know how to do. Then do it.