Machine Ablaze Schematics

Image generated by OpenAI based on text provided by Anthelion Projects. Anthelion Projects takes ultimate responsibility for the content of the image.

Now your work is too anarchic. The muse has returned… with a fire hose. You don’t want to sacrifice that flood of inspiration, you just want a bit more control over how it comes out. You’re ready for The Machine Ablaze.

Built for those looking to reintegrate form and content while still keeping the door wide open to chance and inspiration, The Machine Ablaze helps you discover what fuels your work and put the match to it.

“The Machine Ablaze Schematics” offers instructions for building the Machine Ablaze, designed to produce a sustained and multi-faceted focus on the Fuel — rather than the subject — of your work, and guidelines for how to modify the Machine for your own discipline.

The third of three planned Machine Schematics, “The Machine Ablaze Schematics” is available now at the Anthelion Projects website. Let it set your imagination on fire. 


The Spring 2024 St. Paul Art Crawl


Wave Machine Schematics