Simple Machine Schematics

Image generated by OpenAI based on text provided by Anthelion Projects. Anthelion Projects takes ultimate responsibility for the content of the image.

Your connection to inspiration is spotty. Your perfectly envisioned story lacks life on the page. You have the growing suspicion that you’re phoning it in, playing it safe, up to the same old tricks. You’re bored of the methods you’ve been using, but don’t know what to try next.

Though no one else may have responded in as ludicrous a manner as we did here at Anthelion Projects, we know we’re not the only artists who face these issues. The Simple Machine was our answer.

Surrender control to this formally innovative method of generating content. Stop waiting for the unconscious to offer its gifts and ask for them explicitly. Create work you couldn’t have intended. Find out what you really want to say. 

“The Simple Machine Schematics” is a guide to the theory and practice of the Simple Machine; a consideration of the impetus behind creating it, a step-by-step guide to employing it yourself or modifying it for your discipline, and a consideration of the results of our own operations.

The first of three planned Machine Schematics, “The Simple Machine Schematics” is available now at the Anthelion Projects website shop. Let it change your way of thinking about art.


Wave Machine Schematics


Transcripts of the Corona Lectures now available