The Virus Machine
Before you run through the Machine, please put yourself into a ritualistic frame of mind. You might meditate, breathe, light a candle, get out into nature, read something inspirational. Whatever signifies to you that you have created a ritual space in which to execute the Virus Machine. In this frame of mind, contemplate the inquiry for the Omicron Oracle, which is listed on the Google Sheet.
1. (This step may not be altered in any way) Flip three coins or one coin three times and record the results above in column D on the same line as your name. Here is what the results mean (please see the FAQ at for more on the results of the coin flip):
a. If you get two tails, one head (TTH), provide both sound and image (moving or still, one or several). The sound and imagery may be one file or several.
b. If the result is two heads and one tail (HHT), provide either sound or image (moving or still), but not both.
c. If the result is three heads (HHH), the Virus Machine has mutated. Provide either sound or imagery, and create a new step for the Omicron Machine. You should add this to the end of the current list, before you move on to the next step, as you too will be bound by this rule.
d. If the result is three tails (TTT), the Virus Machine has mutated. Please provide both sound and image, and alter one of the Omicron Machine’s existing steps (but not this first step, which cannot be altered). This may include deleting a step altogether, changing the meaning of one or more of the aleatoric results, or something else, as long as you are not creating a new step. Do this before you move on to the next step, as you too will be bound by this change.
2. Roll one die with six sides and record the results. Here is what the different results indicate:
1. Imagine you’re a different person and create what they would make.
2. Work from a dream.
3. Work from a current event.
4. Choose a word, image, or sound from the previous Operator’s contribution (or the Lead Operator’s instructions if you’re the first Operator), and use that word, image, or sound as a pivot. The direction your contribution travels should be tangential to what came before, touching only at this one point. You may disregard the inquiry being made of the Oracle.
5. Don’t view or listen to any material provided by previous participants. Once you’ve completed your assignment and sent it to the next participant, you’re welcome to view or listen to any material you’d like.
6. Leave your offering incomplete. Provide the audio and/or visuals as determined by Step 1, but make it partial, imperfect.
3. (If the result of your coin flip in Step 1 was three heads (HHH), add the next step before this parenthetical.)
This is the initial variant of the Omicron Machine.