Lecture 10: Sparks of Life’s Order - An Influence Ablaze Feb 24 Written By Charles Conley In the tenth Corona Lecture, rather than a dream set ablaze, an influence is. Join me on another journey into the underworld, this time with David Lynch as our Virgil. lecturelecturesartavant gardevideo artgertrude steinjohn cagecorona viruscorona lecturesimple machinechance operationsaleatoric writingart lecturewave machinemachine ablazequarantinemedia artdavid lynchnorman o browntwin peaksmulholland driveeye of the duckkeep your eye on the donutfathers Charles Conley https://charlesconley.com
Lecture 10: Sparks of Life’s Order - An Influence Ablaze Feb 24 Written By Charles Conley In the tenth Corona Lecture, rather than a dream set ablaze, an influence is. Join me on another journey into the underworld, this time with David Lynch as our Virgil. lecturelecturesartavant gardevideo artgertrude steinjohn cagecorona viruscorona lecturesimple machinechance operationsaleatoric writingart lecturewave machinemachine ablazequarantinemedia artdavid lynchnorman o browntwin peaksmulholland driveeye of the duckkeep your eye on the donutfathers Charles Conley https://charlesconley.com