In Search of an Image


The search for images for this month’s Corona Lecture found me up before dawn to photograph pieces of paper in the Mississippi and out in a rainstorm taking pictures of those same pieces of paper floating down my driveway. 

I’m not great at imagining what something will look like, so it’s all about experimentation, which explains this splash, which came when I threw a rock at the papers in the river. I have to do it to see it, and even then, I only know what I have once I’m home looking at the photos full-sized on my computer. Sometimes the connection between the image and the words is clear(ish) in my mind, and other times it’s definitely not. Especially in those latter cases, it’s all about trusting the process.

On the other hand, finding the quotes for this month’s lecture was relatively easy. As usual, I’m excited and anxious about putting this one into the world, which feels like a sign from somewhere that I’m on the right track.


Lecture 4: The Simple Machine Underwater part I


Acknowledging one’s sources part II