Lecture 11: Becoming is Agony - Existence Ablaze Mar 31 Written By Charles Conley In the eleventh Corona Lecture, existence itself is set ablaze, or at least a singular experience of it is. Melville’s Ahab and Henry David Thoreau make appearances, representing two poles in the philosophy of acceptance. machine ablazecorona lecturelectureart lecturelecturesartavant gardegertrude steinjohn cagecorona virussimple machinechance operationsaleatoric writingquarantinemedia artherman melvilleHenry David ThoreauMoby DickWaldenRoberto Bolano Charles Conley https://charlesconley.com
Lecture 11: Becoming is Agony - Existence Ablaze Mar 31 Written By Charles Conley In the eleventh Corona Lecture, existence itself is set ablaze, or at least a singular experience of it is. Melville’s Ahab and Henry David Thoreau make appearances, representing two poles in the philosophy of acceptance. machine ablazecorona lecturelectureart lecturelecturesartavant gardegertrude steinjohn cagecorona virussimple machinechance operationsaleatoric writingquarantinemedia artherman melvilleHenry David ThoreauMoby DickWaldenRoberto Bolano Charles Conley https://charlesconley.com