Anthelion Projects

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Corona Collaborations

For the next phase of the Corona Lectures, I wanted to incorporate other creators’ work even more deeply into my videos, to invite an even more active involvement. I see a wide range of possibilities for how this might work, since there are so many aspects to the videos, including image, text, performance, and sound. If you work with any of those, there’s fertile ground for a Corona Collaboration.

The first project in this new phase is a collaboration with James Holmberg and Christopher Atkins on a show that will open at the Kolman & Pryor Gallery in mid-September. What the show will look like is still very much up in the air, so I’m not going to say much about it, but I’m already putting a video lecture together, and I’m pretty excited about where this thing is going. The photo above is a still from the rough cut of the video.

There’ll be a more formal rollout and invitation to the Corona Collaborations later, but if you’ve got an idea about a collaboration or you’re interested in trying to come up with one, get in touch with me at We can kick around some possibilities and see if there’s something we can both get excited about.