Anthelion Projects

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Preparing the Bunker

What with all the excitement of recent days, I forgot to post to the blog yesterday. I’ve been busy, and the world has been a little insistent about demanding its share of attention. But I can report that I’ve been faithfully constructing the new Corona Lecture, which will be another Wave Machine. There were thoughts about waiting to write it until the election was decided, the election having been something I touched on in the previous Wave Machine, released at the end of October, but since it’s difficult to know when that will happen—when the ballots will finally be counted, and then when they’ll be accepted by enough people that we can move ahead with the life of the Republic—I decided to carry on.

Additionally, I have been starting to prepare the bunker, just in case we actually are facing Armageddon. The preparations are hardly more than settling on a space and buying some extra food, but still, one’s intellectual resources are finite, and preparations for the apocalypse can’t help but take up a fair share. Demands, demands, demands.
I hope everyone’s doing all right and on their way to doing better. The two plagues are not yet over, and there’s every chance they’re entering their most virulent phase. Take care of yourself, but it’s not time to let down your guard just yet.